Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Warning!!! (A Must-See)

Five iconoclastic authors, one crucial message.

Filmmaker JP Sottile, after years toeing the line among the ranks of mainstream press, has broken away. His new documentary, 'The Warning,' is nothing if not an urgent plea for a return to Constitutional values in an age of rampant abuse.

Comprised of interviews with authors Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ("Crimes Against Nature"), Naomi Wolf ("The End of America"), Naomi Klein ("The Shock Doctrine"), Chris Hedges ("American Fascists") and Joe Conason ("It Can Happen Here"), 'The Warning' plumbs deep the frightening, totalitarian advances seen in US governance since the appointment of George W. Bush, and the threats these new executive powers pose in the coming years.

Purchase the full version at Sottile's Web site,

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